Support Articles

If PIN Plus isn't a hauler, what are you?

PIN Plus offers more than waste services. We offer community waste events, home services, and manage trash services. All in one place.

In communities PIN Plus offers trash services, we act as a waste broker. A waste broker is a professional or company that acts as an intermediary between waste generators (such as businesses or municipalities) and waste haulers (companies that collect and transport waste). Waste brokers do not typically own or operate their own waste collection vehicles, but instead, they work to find the best waste management solution for their clients and coordinate with waste haulers to provide waste disposal services.

In other words, waste brokers help businesses and municipalities manage their waste disposal needs by finding and arranging services with waste haulers. They do not actually haul the waste themselves, but rather act as a middleman between the waste generators and the waste haulers.

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PIN Plus creates a true alliance between neighbors and trusted local vendors
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You have a home concierge.
So does your neighbor.

We find and negotiate with reputable home service providers so you and your neighbors have easy access to the best services and prices.

How PIN Plus works

Step 1

Your HOA board or neighborhood association signs up for free and invites all neighbors to join.

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Step 2

Neighbors who want to participate "claim" their address and choose the services they'd like to explore.

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Step 4

We manage all aspects of the customer and vendor journey. Our support team is here to answer all questions and get your support.

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