- To ensure collection, all containers must be placed at designated point of collection by 6 a.m. on your scheduled collection day, your haulers then have until 7pm to complete service.
- Set the authorized container on the street or alley, wheels against the curb and with the handle facing your home.
- Do not overflow or overpack your container. Make sure the bin lids are fully closed. Overflowing/over-packed bins may prohibit drivers from collecting the contents of the container. Objects sticking out of the container can become projectiles causing damage or injury, and over packed trash may become wedged in the bin during the automated collection process.
- The container should be 3 feet from other containers, parked cars, lamp posts, trees, mailbox posts and any other obstructions so the collection truck can access your container.
- Please report any missed pickups within 24 hours to expedite the scheduling of a recovery pickup.
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