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What is California Senate Bill 1383?

California Senate Bill 1383 (SB1383), also known as the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Act of 2016, represents California's commitment to reduce short-lived climate pollutants in the atmosphere. Short-lived climate pollutants are particularly potent greenhouse gases that stay in the atmosphere for a shorter time than other gases, yet contribute significantly to global warming. These include methane, black carbon, and hydrofluorocarbons.

The primary aim of SB1383 is to reduce the amount of organic waste, a primary source of methane emissions, that goes to landfill. The legislation establishes targets to achieve a 50% reduction in the level of the statewide disposal of organic waste from the 2014 level by 2020 and a 75% reduction by 2025.

"Organics" or "organic waste" in this context refers to food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste.

This could also include textiles and carpets, plastics, and other materials that are diverted from the waste stream and recycled into new products.

SB1383 also requires that not less than 20% of the edible food currently disposed of is recovered for human consumption by 2025. The law applies to a range of businesses and entities, including supermarkets, restaurants, schools, health facilities, and food distribution companies.

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