Support Articles

Who should I contact if I have questions about my account?

Great news! Now that you've moved over to our PIN Plus systems, you'll have a bunch of new self-service options available to you. All you need to do is create a My PIN Plus online account or download our PIN Plus mobile app. With these tools, you'll be able to do things like view your billing dates, set up automatic payments, sign up for events and services, and check your pick-up schedules, all with just a few clicks.

But wait, there's more! If you can't find what you're looking for or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone or chat during business hours. We're always happy to help you out. So go ahead and take advantage of all the awesome features that come with PIN Plus, and let us know if you need anything at all!

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Find trusted services on the PIN Plus app today

PIN Plus creates a true alliance between neighbors and trusted local vendors
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You have a home concierge.
So does your neighbor.

We find and negotiate with reputable home service providers so you and your neighbors have easy access to the best services and prices.

How PIN Plus works

Step 1

Your HOA board or neighborhood association signs up for free and invites all neighbors to join.

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Step 2

Neighbors who want to participate "claim" their address and choose the services they'd like to explore.

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Step 4

We manage all aspects of the customer and vendor journey. Our support team is here to answer all questions and get your support.

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