Support Articles

What if my next pickup date falls on a holiday?

Holidays may affect your regular pickup schedules. If your service day falls on or after a PIN Plus observed holiday, your pickup may occur prior to your regularly scheduled service day or it may be delayed.

Holiday schedules are typically available in the dashboard and announcements 14 days prior to the holiday. If your next pickup falls on a holiday, please check for a possible change to your service day or time:

  1. Log in to your My PIN Plus profile
  2. Upcoming hauler schedule holidays will appear on your main dashboard up to 14 days in advance.

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PIN Plus creates a true alliance between neighbors and trusted local vendors
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You have a home concierge.
So does your neighbor.

We find and negotiate with reputable home service providers so you and your neighbors have easy access to the best services and prices.

How PIN Plus works

Step 1

Your HOA board or neighborhood association signs up for free and invites all neighbors to join.

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Step 2

Neighbors who want to participate "claim" their address and choose the services they'd like to explore.

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Step 4

We manage all aspects of the customer and vendor journey. Our support team is here to answer all questions and get your support.

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