Support Articles

What counts as yard waste?

Hey there! Let's talk trash (well, yard waste to be specific). Before tossing everything from your yard, let's ensure you know what can and can't go in your bin.

Good news! You can chuck the following into your trash bin for pickup on your designated service day:

  • Trees
  • Branches
  • Trimmings
  • Brush
  • Grass clippings
  • Lawn edging

But hold up, don't try to sneak in any heavyweights like soil, sod, bricks, or stones. These guys don't make the cut for yard waste.

Now, keep in mind that yard waste rules and availability might differ depending on your area. If you want to add yard waste collection to your regular service, give us a shout! We're always happy to help.

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So does your neighbor.

We find and negotiate with reputable home service providers so you and your neighbors have easy access to the best services and prices.

How PIN Plus works

Step 1

Your HOA board or neighborhood association signs up for free and invites all neighbors to join.

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Step 2

Neighbors who want to participate "claim" their address and choose the services they'd like to explore.

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Step 4

We manage all aspects of the customer and vendor journey. Our support team is here to answer all questions and get your support.

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